The Management Team

Under the direction of NAHB CEO and President Jim Tobin, seven groups head up the many initiatives that our large, complex association addresses every day. 每个小组的负责人和参谋长组成NAHB管理小组.

Geoff Cassidy, Chief Revenue Officer
杰夫·卡西迪(Geoff Cassidy)是NAHB的首席营收官,他领导着支持非会费收入的所有努力. 这包括监督计划的会议行动小组, exhibit sales/service, NAHB国际建筑商展(IBS)的物流和管理. 该组织还管理着领先供应商委员会及其签署的项目, The New American Home and The New American Remodeled Home, showcased at IBS.

业务开发和销售团队寻求新的业务和赞助机会, including affinity programs; and maintains relationships with companies that support our councils, boards and committees.

NAHB’s Meetings & 活动团队负责监督许多重要的活动、会议和领导会议.

Dr. Robert Dietz, Chief Economist
Dr. Robert Dietz is the chief economist at NAHB, 领导一个经济团队,为住宅建筑行业提供详细的分析. 预测和分析人员生成NAHB住房/经济预测,为建筑商提供市场状况的清晰视图. 调查研究团队编制了NAHB/富国银行住房市场指数, 以及其他一些调查,这些调查反映了这个行业的脉搏. 住房政策研究人员发布税收和其他立法/监管政策的分析,以支持NAHB的宣传工作, including estimates of the economic impact of home building.

The group’s research reports and daily analysis via the Eye on Housing blog positions NAHB as the industry intelligence leader.

Meghan Everngam, Chief of Staff
Meghan Everngam担任NAHB首席执行官兼总裁Jim Tobin的幕僚长. In this role, 她负责推动协会战略计划的实施,并担任协会规划委员会的联络员.

Stacey Harris, Chief Human Resources Officer
Stacey Harris是NAHB的首席人力资源官, 并负责协会所有与就业有关的问题, including NAHB staff benefits; diversity, equity and inclusion; and recruitment and hiring.

Paul Lopez, Chief Operating Officer
Paul Lopez is NAHB’s chief operating officer, leading a diverse group that handles internal operations, communications and marketing initiatives, international outreach, and leadership support.


The Communications & 公共事务团队作为NAHB的信息传递和与成员之间的联系, the news media and general public. 信息技术人员管理NAHB的网络系统, databases, computers and software.

国际工作人员致力于吸引全球成员,并与国际住房协会合作, where NAHB serves as the secretariat. 领导支援小组与我们的高级人员紧密合作,执行他们的行政职务.

Marketing & 品牌战略部门领导NAHB产品的所有营销和推广工作, events and services, including IBS, and manages the NAHB brand and logo requirements. NAHB工作室-结构制作是NAHB充满活力的内部制作团队,通过各种平台为目标受众创造迷人的视频.

国家住房中心运营团队负责监督建筑承包商和租户, and manages the facilities rental of building spaces.

Eileen Ramage, Chief Financial Officer
Eileen Ramage是NAHB的首席财务官,负责所有会计服务, including purchasing products and services, membership accounting and collecting payments due. 金融服务团队还管理NAHB复杂的预算流程, 确保NAHB的领导始终准确地了解协会的财务状况和对未来增长的预测.

Melissa Voorhees, Chief Federation/Experience Officer
Melissa Voorhees是NAHB的首席联盟/经验官, 领导团队负责员工的招募和保留, member engagement, multifamily and workforce development.

会员服务团队为目标行业的会员提供支持,包括重塑, building systems, sales and marketing, 55+ and multifamily housing. 该小组还为青年专业人士等目标成员群体提供服务, Professional Women in Building and Associate members. 业务改进计划小组通过包括业务管理在内的专业计划和资源,帮助会员更有效地管理他们的业务, the 20 Clubs and Connect 10.




Chief Advocacy Officer (open)
NAHB’s chief advocacy officer leads the joint efforts of Federal Government Affairs; BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s political action committee; State and Local Government Affairs; Housing Finance; Legal Advocacy; and Regulatory Affairs.

这些团队负责促进当地住宅行业的利益, state and federal levels of government. 工作人员专家就影响房地产业各个方面的拟议法规和立法进行分析和制定政策和战略建议.


NAHB Organization Chart  Effective Jan. 1, 2024